Hello Friends and Colleagues! I am excited to announce that I will be teaching some adult art therapy classes this Fall! Below is a description of each. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions! I accept cash, check or PayPal.
Artist Identity Workshop Series
August 20th, September 3rd, September 17th, October 1st - every other Saturday from 9:30-11:30 am
This is a six-part hybrid workshop in which each session is independent of the others. You may participate at home from Zoom or in person at Marney's private art studio at NUarts Gallery & Studios.
Description: This six part expressive arts series is for artists seeking to enhance their creativity, find inspiration, and experience deeper meaning in their work and practice whether you call yourself an artist or not. We will create, engage and support each other with creative community in a small group setting. Each session includes self reflection writing in an Artist Inventory and experiential, therapeutic art making aimed to help you better understand your artist identity. Supplemental readings and videos are also included. Cost: $25 per session
What's Behind that Image? The Development of Art Therapy - Online course
Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7 pm from September 13th - October 11th
Description: In this online art therapy course, you will learn the origins, history and theories that contributed to the development of art therapy. We will explore how art therapists assess and interpret artwork and try out some art making experientials including Florence Cane´s Scribble drawing, the Draw a Person in the Rain, the Mandala, the Bridge Drawing and more. Each week will be an integrative art therapy lecture and art-making activity, as well as group discussion and time for questions and answers. The course will also feature resources for learning more about art therapy and how you can incorporate it in your work and for personal growth.
Cost: $200 or $35 per session.
Holistic Healing with Touch Drawing
Six-part Art Workshop Series - Saturdays 9-11 am from October 15th - November 19th
In person at Marney´s private art studio at NUarts Gallery and Studios or you may participate from Zoom with your own materials.
Description: In this workshop series, we will co-create a safe and sacred space for an intuitive art experience. Each of us will be entering our own deeply personal process in both community and in quiet reflection. Touch drawing is a very spontaneous and intuitive practice where we can discover things about ourselves in imagery that emerges from our unconscious. There is no wrong way to do touch drawing. In fact, it is experimental by nature.
Touch drawing requires you to open up to an intuitively creative process which may include standing or sitting, closing your eyes, getting in touch with your body, and working with both of your hands in a variety of ways. You may experience touch drawing as a deeply embodied or spiritual practice or more simply as a form of play. You will be asked to let go of the art critic, keep an open mind, and just explore materials in different ways.
Materials provided for Touch Drawing in the studio include water-soluble oil paints, brayers, boards, transparency papers, mounting paper, adhesive, oil and chalk pastels, and watercolors. Please bring your own journal for reflective writing.
Session 1: Somatic Experiencing and the Method of Touch Drawing
Session 2: Sound Healing and Color Energies
Session 3: Archetypes and Parts in Soul Cards: Telling our Stories
Session 4: The Element of Water, Flow and Fluidity
Session 5: Making Space for Emotional Experience
Session 6: Body Wisdom and Self Care
Cost: In person: $200. Due to the nature of art materials in this course, a non-refundable $50 materials fee is required in advance.
Zoom: Cost: $150 plus the cost of your own supplies. Contact me for a materials list.
Marney Schorr
Art Therapist, Author & Director
Arts in Recovery for Youth (AIRY)
at NUarts Studios & Gallery
311 North St, Pittsfield MA
Cell: (631) 697-8291
Website: www.airyedu.com
Art Therapy Fall Schedule
Tues - 530-7 pm- Art Therapy Course for Adults online
Thurs - 4-6 pm - AIRY Teen Skills Group
Sat 930-1130 - Adult art therapy workshops
Sat - 12-2 pm - AIRY YA Skills Group
Sun - 11-1 pm - AIRY Music, Poetry and Art Group
By appointment - AIRY Family Art Therapy