T107 | Iranian Culture | Linda Steinmann

Tuesdays - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Six Sessions -
1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25

Limit: 25

Closed - at capacity

This interactive, discussion-based course will look beyond the modern political picture of Iran to explore its rich historical, cultural, and artistic traditions. Each week we will look at different aspects of Iranian culture including: Iran’s place in world history, Persian poetry and the modern literary tradition, the influence of Persian art and architecture, modern Iranian cinema, Persian food, and other topics. Although we will be examining these things from an outsider's perspective, the goal is to see Iran and its people in a larger context not limited to the headlines.

Dr. Linda Steinmann received her PhD in History and Near East Languages and Literature from New York University. She did her research on the 17th century silk trade between Safavid Iran and Western Europe. Although political events prevented her from doing her research in Iran, she was able to complete her studies using the Persian documents collection in the British Museum. She also received a Fulbright fellowship to study in the archives of the British East India Company in Mumbai and New Delhi. She recently retired after teaching social studies, economics, and politics for 28 years at the New York City Department of Education. From 2004 to the present she has taught research methods in the department of secondary education at Queens College, CUNY. She also serves in a leadership role for the College Board’s Advanced Placement Research program.

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