T109 | Through Syntax to Style | John Gould
Limit: 15 |
The purpose of this course is to improve participants’ writing by considering options of expression. We will be examining various syntactical choices writers can make to express themselves. John Gould taught this course at Bennington College based on linguistic theories of Noam Chomsky, professor at MIT. Though it sounds theoretical, it is actually concerned with practical stylistic decisions and the reasons we make them. Students should bring a 3 ring binder to class. John Gould has a BA from Williams and an MA from Indiana University. He has taught high school English for 38 years, the last 26 at Phillips Academy -Andover. He has written five novels, a memoir, a grammar textbook, two cookbooks, and a number of articles and short stories. His website is www.johnagould.com. |
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