Another great OLLI member benefit! OLLI’s Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) are member-organized peer-led discussion and activity groups that are free and exclusively for OLLI at BCC members.
Interested in starting your own Shared Interest Group? Why don't you check out this handy SIG Guide and if you still have questions, you can contact the OLLI Office at 413-236-2190 or
Below is a summary list of our current SIGs. Click on a name to find more information about the group. A list of upcoming SIG events follows the descriptions below.
Climate Change ONLINE
This group will discuss and utilize the work of national organizations to help affect climate change both nationally and internationally. Please contact Deborah Caine for more information.
Contemporary Gender Roles ONLINE
Explore cultural changes in the roles of men and women in the family and in the workplace and the multiple changes in gender presentation and identity. Contact Ellen Croibier for more information.
Recreational skiing with others for fun and safety. Contact Bruce Cohen for additional information.
Join OLLI Members for animated discussions of movies members will watch on their own time. Contact Karen Curlee for more information.
French Conversation ONLINE
Parlez-vous français? Would you like to practice your French with others in a relaxed setting? Meet up in informal settings on Zoom and/or in person, for French conversation with other OLLI members. Contact Monica Sinclair or Philippe Jeanjean for more information.
Gotta Reads - NYT Best Sellers Book Club ONLINE
The Gotta Reads - New York Times Best Sellers Book Club reads books from the NYT Best Seller List of the last couple of years. Let's read and talk about the best of these best sellers. Contact Sheila McKenna for additional information.
Happy Needlers & Hookers: A Needlework Group
Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidery or other forms of needlework in good company? Join this group just in time for a cozy winter. Contact Sharon Walker for more information!
The Listening to Chamber Music SIG is for people who are interested in chamber music and who would enjoy learning about and listening to chamber music repertoire with other chamber music aficionados. Contact Harriet Wetstone for more information.
Murder, Mystery & Mayhem: A Book Group ONLINE
If you love reading mystery novels, this group is for you. Monthly books are chosen for the upcoming year from award winning American and international novels, but are not typically present day publications. Meetings are held the fourth Monday of every month at 1:30 p.m. online. Contact Bruce Cohen for additional information.
Play Reading ONLINE & In Person
Love theatre, reading plays together and enjoying the Berkshire theatre scene? Join us!
Contact Alice Roth, Barbara Waldinger or Karel Fisher or for more details or additional information about this SIG
Poetry Reading ONLINE
Due to its popularity, this SIG is currently not accepting NEW MEMBERS.
Join with other OLLI members to read and discuss great poems. Contact Susan Wurtzburg for more information.
Poetry Writing ONLINE
Due to its popularity, this SIG is currently not accepting NEW MEMBERS.
Share poetry you've written with other OLLI members. Contact Susan Wurtzburg to get onto the waiting list.
Socializing Singles In Person
Single and interested in meeting new friends? Our goal will be to plan activities to enjoy together - not matchmaking but an opportunity to meet new people. Contact Judy Cromwell for additional information.
OLLI: the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College |